Year 2010
The 2010 Pilot Survey
The pilot survey was conducted in early 2010 associated to the
annual census survey, on a sample of 20,000 respondents.
If certain issues have been reorganized from the 2008 test, the
main changes consist of a shortening of the questionnaire. The
questions concerning languages spoken were completely removed from
the survey.
Main lessons of the test
• A broadly welcomed by households. Eventhough some questions
were considered sensitive they were ultimately filled according to
the supervisors.
• The enquête Famille et logements questionnaire was considered
easy to complete and legible. The remarks expressed concerned sthe
sensitivity of certain issues such as separation, death of
relatives, parents’ nationality. Note that the question of the
spouse’s gender has not raised any problem.
• The non-response rate of households in EFL 11 to 12%. The
non-response rate is on average higher in larger municipalities. A
large dispersion of significant non-response rates was observed
between municipalities.
• A sampling well understood. Some census enumerators such as the
ones in Paris had to manage census bulletins with and without EFL
questionnaires in their collection area.
• The general view is that there is no significant negative impact
on the census collection. There was however a slight delay in the
collect for small towns after the third week. This delay was mostly
recuperated in the following weeks.