Financial Partners
INED:The National Institute of Demographics Studies
The National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) is a research institute specializing in the field of population. Its main task is to study the demographic situation and its national and international developments. The researchers of Unit 6, "Mobility, housing and networks" and Unit 3, "Fertility, Family and Sexuality" are mobilized for the project LILI.
INSEE:National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies
National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) collects, produces, analyzes and disseminates information on the French economy and society.
ANR:The National Research Agency
The National Research Agency (ANR) is to promote the dynamics of French research. As such, it increases research efforts on economic and societal priorities, intensifying public-private collaborations and developing international partnerships.
DRESS:The Research Department of Statistics Assessment Studies
The Research Department of Statistics Assessment Studies (DRESS)
is a branch of the central administration of health and social
ministries. It is part of the statistical service. Its mission is
to provide policy makers, citizens, and responsible economic and
social information and analysis on populations and health and
social policies.
CNAF:The National Family Allowances Fund
The National Family Allowances Fund (CNAF), for his leadership
of statistics, studies and research, aims to inform family and
social policies. As such, it carries out studies and assessments,
participates in major national surveys and issues calls for
research proposals.
PUCA:Plan Urban Planning Architecture
Plan Urban Planning Architecture (PUCA), since its inception in
1998, develops both research incentive programs, activities and
experiments supports innovation and upgrading science and
technology in the fields of regional planning, housing,
construction and architectural and urban design.
ONZUS:The National Observatory of Sensitive Urban Zone
The National Observatory of Sensitive Urban Zones (ONZUS)
contributes to a better understanding of urban areas in difficulty
and evaluation of public policies in their favor.
DGAFP:The Directorate General for Administration and Civil Service
The Directorate General for Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP) mission is to design and implement a comprehensive policy of public service.
IAURIF:The Institute of Urban Planning and Development in the region of Ile de France
The Institute of Urban Planning and Development in the region of Ile de France (IAURIF) conducts studies, surveys and research that focuses on the planning and development in the region Ile de France.